[New Exam Dumps] PassLeader Offer 30q M2150-756 PDF and VCE Dumps With New Update Questions

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Which vendor is NOT a Trusteer Apex competitor?

A.    HP
B.    FireEye/Mandiant
C.    Palo Alto/Cyvera
D.    Microsoft

Answer: B

What is the main cause of most of today’s malware infections?

A.    Lack of AV solutions
B.    Direct user downloads
C.    Java applications
D.    Poor security controls

Answer: D

Which percentage of application exploits target Java vulnerabilities?

A.    10%
B.    20%
C.    35%
D.    50%

Answer: D
Reference: http://www.trusteer.com/cn/node/4407

Trusteer Apex wins in the Advanced Threat Protection market for various reasons. Select the answer which is NOT true.

A.    Low overhead on IT/security teams
B.    Advanced multi-level defenses
C.    Transparent to end-users
D.    There is no performance degradation on the endpoint

Answer: C


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