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What is the default strike character used to mask data in a privacy rule?
A. *
B. #
C. X
D. o
Answer: C
Which two sections in the request are fully indexed by default?
A. [env]
B. [urlfield]
C. [cookies]
D. [appdata]
E. [timestamp]
F. [TimeBlock]
Answer: BD
An event is needed to identify tablet users based on the user agent value in the request. Which Value to Track should this event use?
A. Last Per Session
B. First Per Session
C. Every Occurrence
D. All Values On Page
Answer: B
Following customer reports of an error on the web site, a hit attribute is created to look for the error text “Error 500 – try again later” in the response on every page. Management has requested a report on the number of sessions affected by the error. This requires creating an event with the above hit attribute as the condition and a value type of “Count Only”. Which tracking option should be selected for this event?
A. Final Value
B. Cumulative Value
C. First Per Session
D. Every Occurrence
Answer: C
An event modeler is tasked with creating a report that shows the percent of sessions with failed searches. The event modeler creates a new event to record failed searches. What should be chosen to track this event?
A. Every Hit
B. First per Session
C. Every Occurrence
D. First Hit of Session
Answer: B
How many Session Attributes can users define?
A. 24
B. 30
C. 64
D. Unlimited
Answer: C
An analyst in a retail organization is asked to provide a weekly report indicating the average number of payment errors per session. To accomplish this, the analyst created an event counting the number of payment errors per session. The event will be used as the value for the event used in the report. The two events are Events A and B:
– Event A counts the number of payments errors per session.
– Event B will be created by the analyst to be used in a report.
When should Event B fire?
A. Every Hit
B. After Every Hit
C. End of Session
D. After Every Step
Answer: C
A business analyst has been assigned to evaluate the behavior of customers making multiple attempts in a new registration process. Which event should be created?
A. An event that tracks abandonment from the first step.
B. An event that tracks failure at the registration submission.
C. An event that captures the distance between the start and completion in hits.
D. An event that fires when the required steps are present but not in the correct sequence.
Answer: C
A business analyst needs to create an event that fires only when a user types in “tea” into a form when on page Z. There are two events already configured which will be used for this new event. Event A tracks page Z and Event B tracks the input of ea?configured which will be used for this new event. Event A tracks page Z and Event B tracks the input of ?ea? In the Event Creation Wizard, what must be set as the evaluator for the new event condition to fire correctly?
A. Any
B. All
C. Last Hit
D. Distance Between
Answer: B
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